Erie Tubs: 35 Years of Craftsmanship
Since our founding, we’ve been truly dedicated to the products we offer, and we’re happy to back them up with warranty’s to match.
Erie is your premiere local senior safety and bathroom remodeling expert and we want to turn your OLD bathroom today into your NEW Erie bathroom tomorrow! For over 35 years, Erie has been helping seniors and homeowners make the best of their bathrooms with best-in-class safety and luxury products.
Trusted, Bonded and Insured, Erie has become one of the bathroom remodeling companies. With a name like Erie, you can be sure you are getting your step-in tub or walk-in shower installation done right!
Since opening our first location in 1975, Erie has grown service over 75,000 customers, with over 40,000 repeat customers.
Start experiencing the all the safety, luxury, and pain relief
features an Erie Step-In Tub offers.
Customer Service
Current customers requesting repairs, service, or answers to questions can reach us easily and quickly. Simply e-mail our customer service department directly at the address listed below, or call direct and we’ll contact you today or the the next business day.
E -mail request for service or questions and answers:
Direct line to customer service or to schedule a service request: 800-684-4628
Main office: 800-536-4200